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How Cars Work
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Introduction - How Cars Work
Objectives - How Cars Work
Automotive Timeline3 Topics
How Cars Work6 Topics
Fuels and Designs3 Topics
Engine Identification2 Topics
Vehicle Identification6 Topics
Parts and Systems2 Topics
Careers3 Topics
Summary - How Cars Work
Activities - How Cars Work2 Topics
Review - How Cars Work
Test - How Cars Work1 Test
Lesson 10 of 13
In Progress
Summary – How Cars Work
In a little over one hundred years, automobiles have become extremely popular. The automobile has made personal land transportation easy, allowing people to work great distances from where they live. Cugnot, Benz, and Ford, among others, changed the development of the automobile forever. Today, manufacturers are mass producing hybrid and 100% electric vehicles to increase efficiency, minimize pollution, and reduce our reliance on nonrenewable energy resources.
Automotive Teacher
Education: Bachelor’s Degree and/or ASE Certified
Median Income: $60,320
Abilities: Good communication with students in a technical hands-on environment.
Find your career using the Occupational Outlook Handbook.