Learning Extensions

Below are Learning Extensions.

  1. Please check with your instructor to see if Learning Extensions are required for your class.
  2. Download the fillable PDF below.
  3. Submit completed PDF to your instructor through your school’s Learning Management System (Canvas, Blackboard, Schoology, Echo, Google Classroom, etc.).


Daily Reflection Log

At the end of each day, write a short three to five sentence reflection on what you learned.

Article, Website, or Video Review

Research an article, website, or video and then complete the Article, Website, or Video Review form.

Career Exploration

Directions – Use the Occupational Outlook Website www.bls.gov/ooh to research a career. As you identify careers, complete the Career Exploration form writing complete sentences in your own words.
Do not copy verbatim from the website.

Vehicle Reference Information

Fill out the Vehicle Reference Information form and keep it with your vehicle.

Safety Rules

This list is not all-inclusive. Follow safety guidelines provided by OSHA, EPA, safety data sheets, your instructor, and tool, equipment, and chemical manufacturers.

Repair Invoice/Work Order

The Repair Invoice/Work Order can be used to practice as a Service Writer. It is also used as a resource for the activity in the Repair Facilities course.

Competency Profile/Task List

This list helps you summarize the knowledge and skills obtained through the Auto Upkeep Curriculum. These are categorized into three domains of learning: cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. These are the things that you should know and be able to do after completing the curriculum.

Activity Completion Record

This form can be use to keep track of all the activities completed in the Auto Upkeep Curriculum.

Optional Replacement Activities

Service Manual Activity - ALLDATA Option

Some schools were having issues with the Tools and Equipment – Service Manual Activity. Here is an option to use ALLDATA instead of Mitchell1.

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