Creating an Account
Students enroll in the Auto Upkeep Academy through a School, Corporation, or as an Independent Learner.
Students Enrolled Through a School Program
K-12 Students: If you are enrolled through a K-12 School District, do NOT Create an Account. You are already enrolled. SIGN IN with your school issued email address or username. If you need assistance, go to the HELP page.
College Students: If you are taking this course through a college program, search for YOUR SCHOOL or contact your instructor on how to register.
Independent Learners
If you are an independent learner, such as a do-it-yourselfer or homeschooler, you can view the HOW CARS WORK course for free. JOIN THE ACADEMY when you are ready.
Instructors, Administrators, and Corporate Trainers
If you represent an educational institution or provide training for government or corporations, please CONTACT US for a test drive of the Auto Upkeep Academy. You will be given access to see how the Group Management features work within the Academy.