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0% Complete

We do not endorse any company, product, service, video, or website mentioned or pictured in the Academy. The company names, products, services, videos, and websites are easily recognizable within the automotive industry and may help you understand the content. It is acknowledged that other company names, products, services, videos, and websites could work as substitutes for those given throughout the Academy.



The videos in the Academy are embedded from YouTube. Even though the videos have been screened and are from industry leaders, due to the nature of the Internet students may navigate away from the intended video to unanticipated content. It is also possible that the video maker may edit the video that is embedded. If your school blocks YouTube, these videos will not work. The Academy can be taught without the videos, but they enhance learning.



Websites shown in the Academy are shared through iFrames. You can navigate the website in the iFrame without leaving the Academy. See example below.

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